Carthage Mock Trial takes third place in fourth annual Dairyland Challenge
Carthage Mock Trial competed at home the weekend of Oct. 12-13. The team hosted the fourth annual Carthage Dairyland Challenge at the Racine County Law Enforcement Center. Ten teams from six schools from Wisconsin, Illinois, and Iowa participated.
Carthage Red also won the Spirit of AMTA trophy, which is awarded to the team that best exemplifies the ideals of honesty, civility, and fair play.
As members of the Mock Trial Team, students act as attorneys and witnesses to present this year’s case of Shannon Shahid v. Taylor Hopson. On April 25, 2024, infamous Midlands millionaire Avery Bancroft died while aboard the Mid-Riverina Express. Bancroft had two children: Taylor Hopson and Shannon Shahid. According to Bancroft’s will, Hopson — who was also aboard the train when Bancroft died — would inherit most of Bancroft’s estate. Shahid has filed suit pursuant to the Slayer Statute, alleging Hopson caused Bancroft’s death and therefore cannot inherit any of Bancroft’s estate.
Eight new students joined 10 returning members to form the largest team in Carthage’s history.
This year’s team members are:
** Denotes Team Captains
The team is coached by Michael Phegley (professor of marketing and management) and attorney Margaret Zienkiewicz (adjunct faculty of marketing and management). Attorney Matt Richer ’14 and Liv Higgins ’22 serve as assistant coaches. Also assisting the team this season are Jon Allen ’22, Alicia Lederhaus ’23 and Mariah Bader ’24. Professor Art Cyr and the A. W. Clausen Center for World Business also provide support.
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Carthage Mock Trial
For more information, contact:
Michael Phegley, JD Director, Mock Trial Program Associate Professor of Law, Management and Marketing